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"Why Aren’t You A Successful Entrepreneur?”

"Why Aren't You A Successful Entrepreneur?"
Let us look at the top 5 reasons that have kept many people away from being successful entrepreneurs or from generating revenue on the internet:

1. Not good enough
There are many people who feel that they are not smart enough or good enough to do online business and the truth is that although business over the internet might not be for everyone but it is not impossible.

2. Not enough time
Most of you are probably doing 80h a week and to add to it is the commuting time and the time you spend with your family. Most people would ask how can there be time left for an online business after all this. If you are working 10h a day and if you are commuting by train then you can always think and jot down your ideas while traveling. Spend about an hour every night before you hit the bed to browse through the internet and find the required information and the right sources that will help
your business.

3. Not enough money
Although it may seem like a costly proposition on the outside but the truth is that the internet is really cheap. Most website hosting companies are also offering cheap hosting services ranging from as less as a $1 a month. A simple website design using basic HTML will not cost you more than $100 and broadband is also available at low costs. So you can set up an online business within a budget of $150 with ease and start reaping the benefits from the first month itself.

4. Not an expert
You don't have to be an expert to start an online business. You may need to be a construction engineer to build bridges, but you don't require any kind of educational qualification or work experience to be successful on the internet. All you need is an
understanding of how the internet works and how you can take advantage of the internet to generate revenue.

5. What should I sell?
There are many who believe that they have nothing to sell at all on the internet but they are wrong. You don't have to really start by selling a product or a service of your own. You can choose to sell some other companies product or service on a commission basis and then slowly grow from there.

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